Team Rosenblatt |
Team Rosenblatt
My Dear People,
If you’re receiving this email it’s because you are important to me. I hope I am important to you as well, and I hope you’ll join me on this spectacular endeavor.
As many of you know, I worked for Chai LIfeline Southeast as Event Coordinator back when i first moved to Florida 19 years ago. It was truly one of my transformative experiences. How could it not? I was doing holy work with a cast of holy characters - the children and families, dealing with catastrophic pediatric illness and struggling through some of the most tangled webs of their lives; the volunteers who showed up over and over again, with the constant query: What can i do next?; the honorees and donors, ready with yes and yes again. And Ellen. Ellen Weiss, my boss, the go-to, can-do, never say never, always ready mentor who taught me so much about grit, doggedness, stickwithitness and what it means to be the consummate problem solver.
That’s why when I found out Ellen was retiring after 32 years, I did something I never do voluntarily - I jumped at the opportunity to chair the committee honoring her in the best possible way - by supporting the hundreds of local and thousands of global Chai Lifeline kids with a huge array of programs and services that provide emotional physical and restorative sustenance and relief.
I’m inviting YOU to join me in being a part of a groundbreaking event - the first ever Chai Lifeline Global Gala on December 8th. The famous David Blaine, the internationally renowned illusionist will be there, but that’s just the sideshow. The main event will be our dedication of the Ellen Weiss Southeast Case Management Department.
So wherever in the country you reside, please click and reserve your spot and join TEAM ROSENBLATT. If you’ve given in the past, consider doubling it; If you’ve never given, give now and give big! I look forward to seeing your name there - unless you’d like to create your own team, which I happily encourage.
Yours with Blessings
for good health, strength and resilience to overcome all adversity through LOVE & GENEROSITY!
If you’re receiving this email it’s because you are important to me. I hope I am important to you as well, and I hope you’ll join me on this spectacular endeavor.
As many of you know, I worked for Chai LIfeline Southeast as Event Coordinator back when i first moved to Florida 19 years ago. It was truly one of my transformative experiences. How could it not? I was doing holy work with a cast of holy characters - the children and families, dealing with catastrophic pediatric illness and struggling through some of the most tangled webs of their lives; the volunteers who showed up over and over again, with the constant query: What can i do next?; the honorees and donors, ready with yes and yes again. And Ellen. Ellen Weiss, my boss, the go-to, can-do, never say never, always ready mentor who taught me so much about grit, doggedness, stickwithitness and what it means to be the consummate problem solver.
That’s why when I found out Ellen was retiring after 32 years, I did something I never do voluntarily - I jumped at the opportunity to chair the committee honoring her in the best possible way - by supporting the hundreds of local and thousands of global Chai Lifeline kids with a huge array of programs and services that provide emotional physical and restorative sustenance and relief.
I’m inviting YOU to join me in being a part of a groundbreaking event - the first ever Chai Lifeline Global Gala on December 8th. The famous David Blaine, the internationally renowned illusionist will be there, but that’s just the sideshow. The main event will be our dedication of the Ellen Weiss Southeast Case Management Department.
So wherever in the country you reside, please click and reserve your spot and join TEAM ROSENBLATT. If you’ve given in the past, consider doubling it; If you’ve never given, give now and give big! I look forward to seeing your name there - unless you’d like to create your own team, which I happily encourage.
Yours with Blessings
for good health, strength and resilience to overcome all adversity through LOVE & GENEROSITY!
